Learning Is Not a Spectator Sport
Discovery and action are the key for any learning, and so much more effective than watching for learning. The same applies with change - change requires learning, and learning requires activity. People learn better when they are directly involved in their...
5 leadership ideas for 2019
The year is coming to a close and these last few days seem to be filled with deadlines to meet and preparations to make. This is also the time of year when many of us try to sit down to reflect on what we did this past year and what we want to accomplish next. Here is...
Digital kompetensutveckling som driver förändring
Digital kompetensutveckling som driver förändring En helt ny kombination av lärande i vardagen och digitalt stöd i smarttelefonen ger kraft, tempo och stora kostnadssänkningar i förändringsarbetet. TalentMiles utmanar nu chefs- och personalutbildningen i...
Debunking Four Myths of Working Change
There is wide-spread acceptance that leadership, including purpose, dialogue, and collaboration, are elements needed for bringing about change in the organisation. But while this realisation is growing, so, too, is the frustration with change being a ‘slow process’. TalentMiles and our work exists because we take issue with this notion. In the following passage I have collected four excerpts of our dialogue with leaders in companies looking for ways to accelerate change.
Why teams will need team-leaders for years to come
Everyone in working life, in any industry, needs to develop the capacity for self-directed work, collaboration, and continuously learning new things and skills faster.
The only way to accelerate the development of the learning capacity of the whole workforce in a company fast enough is to rethink and renegotiate the job description of team-leaders.
Smartphone-supported and shared leadership for accelerating change
Do you want to go to heaven?
We were recently debating the Value Creation – Value Capturing framework* (or VC2 for short) and its applications on specific organisations. The framework is a compelling tool to use to describe strategic challenges and accomplishments of organisations. The framework...
Frågedriven verksamhetsutveckling
This article was written by Stefan Pålsson and published by Talentmiles Snabb teknikutveckling, nya konsumtionsmönster och en allt skarpare konkurrens ändrar grundläggande villkor och förutsättningar för de allra flesta yrken, branscher och områden. Ledning och...