Cultural onboarding

The Cultural Onboarding Programme effectively brings new employees up to speed and sets the stage for collaborative, productive work. It helps establish relationships with colleagues from the start, making new hires feel more connected to the organisation and therefore more commitment to the company. 

The Cultural Onboarding Programme is an engaging, question-driven programme. This means we go way further than the traditional activities like filling out forms and checking boxes.  Invite all your newbies and start them on a learning path to discover how your company works and who works there. Leave the classroom behind and let them use their natural curiosity to find out the hows and whos in the company.

The Cultural Onboarding Programme, powered by the TalentMiles App, gives you the tools to build a more open and collaborative company culture, faster learning and real action from day one. 

4 C’s – the most important  parts in the onboarding process are related to Culture and  Connection, however only  30% of the companies emphasize these in their onboarding process, but focus more on clarification and compliance…


The traditional way of introducing new employees to the organisation can be tedious work. The general idea is that new employees need to be fed a mountain of information before they can start working. This dizzying amount of knowledge is difficult to manage as information tends to expire quickly and all but impossible for the new employee to take in and retain. This results in a huge amount of work going to waste with people bombarding new recruits with information they will just forget the minute they step out of the room.

Another dilemma is the case of those much sought-after “fresh eyes”. We all know the classic line repeated in every recruitment situation: “we really look forward to getting a fresh set of eyes to look at this…”. However, in the midst of the super-effective induction training, we easily pass on a lot of the old ways that we actually would like to change. And so, we have again lost a set of those valuable fresh eyes.


A different approach to onboarding

What if we left out the endless company presentations and skipped right to the fun part? Our approach to onboarding means leveraging on the new coworkers’ natural curiosity and enthusiasm. Instead of putting it out with facts and figures, we challenge them with questions. Open up the doors and let the newbies explore the most interesting aspects of the work, guided by good questions and engaging challenges, not rules and guidebooks.

We see every new coworker as a new opportunity to learn and develop. The recruitment process was thorough and you have undoubtedly acquired the best talent. Now let them show you how they would do it. Learn from them, let them do what they do best.

The TalentMiles Onboarding Path is an effective way to create excitement, encourage networking and creates a natural path into the organisation.


The traditional way of introducing new employees to the organisation can be tedious work. The general idea is that new employees need to be fed a mountain of information before they can start working. This dizzying amount of knowledge is difficult to manage as information tends to expire quickly and all but impossible for the new employee to take in and retain. This results in a huge amount of work going to waste with people bombarding new recruits with information they will just forget the minute they step out of the room.

Another dilemma is the case of those much sought-after “fresh eyes”. We all know the classic line repeated in every recruitment situation: “we really look forward to getting a fresh set of eyes to look at this…”. However, in the midst of the super-effective induction training, we easily pass on a lot of the old ways that we actually would like to change. And so, we have again lost a set of those valuable fresh eyes.


A different approach to onboarding

What if we left out the endless company presentations and skipped right to the fun part? Our approach to onboarding means leveraging on the new coworkers’ natural curiosity and enthusiasm. Instead of putting it out with facts and figures, we challenge them with questions. Open up the doors and let the newbies explore the most interesting aspects of the work, guided by good questions and engaging challenges, not rules and guidebooks.

We see every new coworker as a new opportunity to learn and develop. The recruitment process was thorough and you have undoubtedly acquired the best talent. Now let them show you how they would do it. Learn from them, let them do what they do best.

The TalentMiles Onboarding Path is an effective way to create excitement, encourage networking and creates a natural path into the organisation.

“I enjoyed when we were working on the business problem given by the sponsor. That was the most engaging part for me. Working as a group, across time zones, and coordinating how we got together and did things remotely—it was challenging but rewarding. You’re honing your soft skills while learning about the company and the proposal we were given. I really enjoyed that part.”

Customer Support Manager

“The most interesting part was building a network and contacting people outside of my usual activities. In my initial onboarding, I only interacted with people closely related to my job, so this was a new and beneficial experience.”

Supplier Quality Engineer

“Overall, I think the program is very well-structured. The tasks were well-organised, and the agenda was clear from the beginning, so we knew what to expect. The webpage was designed systematically, covering many things we needed to know. One of the good things was that it allowed us to learn about the company culture and meet new people. For me, personally, the most interesting part was the task where we had to interview someone from a different business line. It was fascinating to get their perspective on the company.”

Procurement Project Leader

“I’ve never had an onboarding process like this. I think this was one of the best, because it’s a formal process. It covered everything and you can see it’s been heavily invested in. It gives you a really great first impression of the company that you are joining and the experience of it was absolutely fantastic.”

Customer Support Manager

“As a new person, I tend to focus on my own tasks and wouldn’t normally reach out to someone from another department. Without this program, I would probably stay within my own team. But this task pushed me to interact with others. It was a positive push—I had to talk with someone else, which made me think about who would be interesting or beneficial to connect with. It helped me not only focus on my current work but also broaden my network and view of potential future careers.

Procurement Project Leader


Positive employer branding

Make new employees feel at home from the very beginning of the employment

Engage through meaningful interactions

Builds collaborative culture and promotes networking

New employees are introduced and learn about your organisation in a fast way 

Want to give your new employees the tools to explore and discover your company in a new way?