by Camilla Alperi | May 23, 2022 | Leading change, Strategy, TalentMiles App, Teams
Sipoon kunnan uusi strategia hyväksyttiin valtuuston kokouksessa huhtikuussa 2022. Strategiasta oltiin keskusteltu, tulevaisuuden suunnasta väitelty ja tavoitteet asetettu. Samanlaisia keskusteluita ja prosesseja on käyty monessa muussakin kunnassa ympäri Suomea....
by Patrick Furu | Apr 29, 2020 | Change-process, Engagement, Leading change, Strategy
We are seeking answers in the midst of the current situation caused by the coronavirus. In addition to the severe health implications, the consequences for the global economy are far greater than expected. Companies over the globe are struggling. The question is: how...
by Bo-Magnus Salenius | Apr 7, 2020 | Digital, Leading change, Learning, Work
We live in exceptional times, not the least in working life. Gradually, the shock of the first weeks of organising our daily activities gives in to questions about what happens once the crisis is over. How do we, as a business, a team, etc., get back to normal, and...
by Annika Häggblom | Apr 6, 2020 | Engagement, Leading change, Learning, TalentMiles App
What do you think about when you hear the words “virtual” or “digital” connected to “learning”? Maybe you think of the last e-learning platform you tested or your company LMS that fills up with things to “get back to later”? Our view on virtual learning is...
by Bo-Magnus Salenius | Feb 28, 2020 | Change-process, Engagement, Leading change, Learning
“Did you ever wonder why so much education and training, management consultation, organizational research, and so many books and articles produce so few changes in actual management practice? Did you ever wonder why the little change that does occur often...
by Bo-Magnus Salenius | Jan 2, 2020 | Leading change
At TalentMiles, we gratefully celebrate the transition from a successful 2019 to an exciting 2020. This snapshot includes the following achievements from the year that passed: TalentMiles exists to accelerate change of mindset and practise in large organisations. In...