by Camilla Alperi | May 23, 2022 | Leading change, Strategy, TalentMiles App, Teams
Sipoon kunnan uusi strategia hyväksyttiin valtuuston kokouksessa huhtikuussa 2022. Strategiasta oltiin keskusteltu, tulevaisuuden suunnasta väitelty ja tavoitteet asetettu. Samanlaisia keskusteluita ja prosesseja on käyty monessa muussakin kunnassa ympäri Suomea....
by Patrick Furu | Apr 29, 2020 | Change-process, Engagement, Leading change, Strategy
We are seeking answers in the midst of the current situation caused by the coronavirus. In addition to the severe health implications, the consequences for the global economy are far greater than expected. Companies over the globe are struggling. The question is: how...
by Annika Häggblom | Mar 6, 2019 | Learning, Strategy
We were recently debating the Value Creation – Value Capturing framework* (or VC2 for short) and its applications on specific organisations. The framework is a compelling tool to use to describe strategic challenges and accomplishments of organisations. The framework...