Joining a new company can be filled with excitement and nervous energy, and integrating into an established team can be challenging. Thriving and performing well at a new workplace requires not only to learn new skills and knowledge but also to feel a sense of belonging and connection within the community. A new hire needs more than just a functioning computer and workspace. To fully integrate and be efficient from the start, it’s crucial to be introduced to the company’s culture, build relationships with colleagues, and understand the company’s goals and visions. This is where cultural onboarding becomes essential.

According to Erika Hyppönen, Development Manager at TalentMiles, the first six months are critical for a new employee’s future at the company. If the onboarding process is handled well during that period, the chances increase that the new hire will stay and not look elsewhere. TalentMiles has therefore developed a cultural onboarding programme that is customised for each client company, but fundamentally based on two aspects: culture and connection.

Why are these two aspects so important? Hyppönen says that there are several reasons why they are crucial for both the new employee and the company.

For the new employee, the onboarding process means:

  • Networking with Peers: Building relationships with others who are also new to the company creates a supportive network.
  • Hands-On Culture Integration: Through relevant problem-solving for the company, new employees quickly learn how things work, both formally and informally, by experiencing it firsthand. This not only provides them with practical experience and helps them understand the company culture but also makes them feel valued and part of the team from the start.
  • Networking with Established Employees: By talking with different teams and already employed colleagues, the new hire has a natural reason to build relationships and learn about the company culture from the inside.
  • Self-Directed Learning: Actively seeking out information instead of just listening to lectures leads to deeper and more engaging learning.

For the company, an effective onboarding process means:

  • Strengthened Company Culture: A well-executed onboarding helps preserve and convey the company culture to new employees.
  • Cost Savings: Recruitment is expensive, and good onboarding reduces the risk of new hires leaving the company shortly after being hired, saving money in the long run.
  • Gaining New Perspectives: Through the tasks that new hires take on, the company gains fresh perspectives on old problems, which can lead to innovative solutions.

In conclusion, a well-thought-out onboarding process is a strategic investment in both the individual’s and the company’s future. Cultural onboarding is more than just an introduction — it’s the key driver to employee engagement and company success.


Contact us to find out how TalentMiles would create the best cultural onboarding experience for your new employees: erika.hypponen[at]