Work has changed. Where once we had clear job roles and static organisational structures, we now increasingly see networks and cooperation across borders. Work today is joint problem-solving, where both the problems and the solutions transcend organisational structures. 

To be successful in this demanding environment we need better leadership, better teams and faster learning. Modern leadership is distributed across the team, making it a shared activity propelling the team forward. To reach its full potential teams need to be willing and able to learn and develop together, quickly. They also require a high level of psychological safety. Read more about the science behind TeamScan here

The question is, how do you know how to best support your team right now? How do you measure the amount of leadership distributed across the team, the level of psychological safety or your team’s learning behaviour? 

TeamScan provides the perfect tool for analysing the current state of your team and gives clear, practical suggestions on how to unleash the full potential of your team!


TeamScan is a research-based, digital tool that gives your team clear, in-depth knowledge of how your team functions. Go beneath the surface and learn what makes your team strong and what is holding you back.

TeamScan gives you direct results on how your team is doing on the three core variables of successful teams:

  • Shared Leadership
  • Psychological Safety
  • Team Learning Behaviour

You can see a sample report here.

TeamScan is based on current, established research. We warmly recommend you read more about the research behind TeamScan here.


Gain powerful insight into the current state of you team

Clear action steps on how to improve your team performance and work environment

Easy facilitation of the process, supported by the TalentMiles App

Based of scientifically validated methods and the most current research on leadership and team behaviour

For teams of 4 or more people



Invite your team (minimum 4 participants, incl. team leader) to take part in TeamScan. To ensure accurate results, it is crucial that the whole team participates.

Each team member answers a short (10 minute), confidential survey measuring the level of psychological safety, team learning behaviour and shared leadership in your team.

You receive an insightful report on how your team is doing on the three variables. The report includes clear and powerful action steps to help your team develop further.

Share the results with your team to maximise impact.



TeamScan relies on solid academic research. The three main components of TeamScan, Psychological Safety, Team Learning Behaviour and Shared Leadership, are based on extensive evidence of what makes teams achieve high performance. Each component has been found to create the conditions in which teams are able to focus on the task, continuously improve performance, and increase the shared ownership of the team’s goals. These three evidence-based components are combined in TeamScan to help analyse the foundations for high performance.

You can read more about the science behind TeamScan here.