Episode 18
Learning from Leadership in Times of Crisis
– With Aleksi Malmberg, Wim Gijselaers & Bo-Magnus Salenius
“For me personally, the growth as a leader has been from the content towards the people, because leadership in the end is always about the people and nothing else but people.”
– Aleksi Malmberg, General Manager, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
In this podcast, General Manager Aleksi Malmberg shares his experiences about leadership of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra in the challenging and ambiguous context of the pandemic and thereafter. What originated in a leadership of crisis at the outbreak of Covid, gradually, and partly by down-to-earth and seemingly small supporting actions, has turned into a growth of connectedness and interactivity in the orchestra.
In the podcast, Professor Wim Gijselaers of Maastricht University joins the discussion from the point of view of change and leadership in current research. One interesting insight suggested by this discussion is, rather counterintuitively, how the highly structured work-flow of the orchestra creates room for creativity and innovation.
The discussion is moderated by Bo-Magnus Salenius, Chairman and co-founder of TalentMiles.
TalentMiles Talks is a podcast with and by the TalentMiles team, including occasional, inspirational guests. Join us as we ruminate about topical questions related to leadership, learning, change and any other issue we feel passionate about.